


By virtue of Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the different parties involved in its creation and follow-up is specified to users of the site www.delidiofficial.com.


Company in individual title (EI), DELIDI, owned by Allegra Guidi

Registered with the RCS of NICE under number 948 465 240
Whose registered office is Palais Ophélia - 13 Avenue Shakespeare, A - 619 - 06000 - Nice - FRANCE
Intra-EU VAT ID: FR 60948465240

The Director of the publication is Allegra Guidi as founder and owner of the DELIDI brand.
Contact: delidi@delidiofficial.com / +33 (0)6 07 71 41 75

Domain : OVH Cloud

E-commerce platform : Shopify


Sole proprietorship (EI), DELIDI, owned by Allegra Guidi

Registered with the RCS of NICE under number 948 465 240
Whose registered office is Palais Ophélia - 13 Avenue Shakespeare, A - 619 - 06000 - Nice - FRANCE
Intra-EU VAT ID: FR 60948465240

The Director of the publication is Allegra Guidi as founder and owner of the DELIDI brand.
Contact: delidi@delidiofficial.com / +33 (0)6 07 71 41 75


OVH Cloud

2 rue kellermann BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 - France
SAS au capital de 10 069 020 € - RCS Roubaix

Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045 - Code APE 2620Z N°TVA FR 22-424-761-419


E-commerce platform: Shopify

Artistic Director: Allegra Guidi

Photos :

- Home Page : Sara Lorenzoni


The General Terms and Conditions of Sale set out below apply to all orders and/or pre-orders placed via the site www.delidiofficial.com with DELIDI. They are available at any time on the Site.

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale may be subject to change and each Customer must consult them before proceeding with any purchase. It is the Customer's responsibility to check the General Terms and Conditions of Sale before placing an order. Consequently, placing an order implies full acceptance, without reservation, of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

This site is normally accessible to users at all times. An interruption for technical maintenance may occur by decision of Delidi, which will endeavour to inform users in advance of the dates and times of the intervention, unless the cause of the interruption is due to technical problems not attributable to Delidi.
The website www.delidiofficial.com is regularly updated. Similarly, the legal notices may be modified at any time: they are nevertheless imposed on the user, who is invited to consult them at the time of purchase in order to take note of them.


DELIDI cannot guarantee or represent that the information contained in the Site is accurate, complete or up to date.

The Site may contain technical inaccuracies or other defects, DELIDI does not guarantee that such defects will be corrected. The www.delidiofficial.com website and its content are presented "as is" and "as available".

DELIDI expressly excludes all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, and in particular, without this list being restrictive, all implied warranties of conformity or suitability of the website www.delidiofficial.com or its content for a usual or specific use, of its quality or of the absence of infringement of any provision.

All information on www.delidiofficial.com is therefore provided for information purposes only and is subject to change. Furthermore, the information on www.www.delidiofficial.com is not exhaustive. It is provided subject to changes made after it has been put online.


You are reminded that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet and that it is up to each Internet Customer to take all appropriate measures to protect his or her own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet or from hacking.


The data communicated by the Customer on the Site, necessary for the processing and delivery of orders, are reserved exclusively for DELIDI or its partners with the Customer's express consent.

DELIDI, at no time during the purchase process is able to know the Customer's credit card number which, by opening a secure connection, is transmitted directly to the bank service provider. The transactions are handled entirely by Shopify Payments or by the secure payment module of our banking partners. The Site uses cookies (connection cookies), of which the Customer is informed when he/she arrives on the Site, which allow information relating to the navigation of the computer on the Site to be recorded. These cookies are installed only after acceptance by the Customer; continued navigation on the Website is considered as acceptance. The Customer may object to the use of these cookies by configuring their browser, knowing that access to certain services may require prior acceptance of cookies by the Customer.

The Customer may subscribe to DELIDI's newsletter and thus choose to be regularly informed of the offers proposed by the brand. The Customer may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the appropriate link in each newsletter.

Some of the Site's web pages may contain web beacons that allow you to count the number of visitors to the Site and/or provide DELIDI with a series of indicators. These web beacons may be used with some of our partners, in particular to measure and improve the effectiveness of the Site. In any case, the information obtained from these tags is only used to collect statistics on the number of visitors to certain pages of the Site in order to better serve our Customers.

If you have any other questions about the use of your personal data, please consult our Privacy Policy or contact Customer Service by writing to delidi@delidiofficial.com.


The contents of this Site, including but not limited to: information, software, code, data, text, photographs, graphics, videos, images, logos, product/service names, trademarks, domain names, designs, and any other type of content on this Site, are and shall remain the exclusive property of DELIDI. This means that the reproduction, partial and/or total, distribution, publication, transmission, any modification and sale of any content on this Site is strictly prohibited.

Only the exclusively personal and non-commercial use of any content on this Site is authorised: such use, in any case, does not confer any title, right or interest in the content on DELIDI's Site. Therefore, any use other than that authorized above is prohibited and shall constitute a violation of the rights of Delidi.


In no event shall DELIDI be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of business, loss of profit or loss of opportunity arising out of the purchase of DELIDI Products purchased from www.delidiofficial.com.

DELIDI assumes no liability for disruptions attributable to force majeure or for damages inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular an interruption of service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses, or any event qualified as force majeure, in accordance with the law and the case law of the French courts. In the event that a force majeure event prevents the performance of these GTCS, DELIDI shall inform the Customer within 14(fourteen) days of the occurrence of such an event, by e-mail or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Expressly considered as force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, in addition to those normally considered by the jurisprudence of the French courts and tribunals, are total or partial strikes, lockouts, riots, boycotts or other industrial action or commercial disputes, civil unrest, insurrection, war, bad weather, epidemics, blockage of means of transport or supply for any reason whatsoever, earthquake, fire, storm, flood, water damage, governmental or legal restrictions, legal or regulatory changes in forms of marketing, computer failures, blockage of telecommunications, including wired or wireless telecommunications networks, and any other event beyond the control of the parties that prevents the normal performance of the contractual relationship.

All obligations of the parties are suspended for the duration of the force majeure event, without compensation. If the event of force majeure lasts for more than 3 (three) months, the transaction in question may be terminated without compensation by either party.

Likewise, DELIDI is not responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be made by third parties, of credit cards, checks and other means of payment, when paying for Products.


The data entered during the purchase process must be exclusively one's own real personal data and not those of third parties, or invented.

It is strictly forbidden for the purchaser to enter false, and/or invented, and/or fictitious data in the registration procedure required to activate the process for the execution of this contract and the related further communications. DELIDI reserves the right to prosecute any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.
The Customer indemnifies the Company from any liability arising from the issuance of erroneous tax documents due to errors in the data provided by the Customer, since the Customer himself is solely responsible for their correct entry.

It is strictly forbidden for minors to place an order on the Site.

Upon receipt of the Products, the Customer is required to check their conformity in relation to the order. In particular, he/she shall pay attention to the correspondence between the number of packages indicated on the carrier's letter and those delivered and to the integrity of the packaging.

Any anomalies (e.g. tampering, damage) shall be specified in writing directly in the carrier's transport document and the Customer shall refuse the delivery.

At the same time, the Customer shall immediately report the fact to DELIDI's Customer Service by sending an email to delidi@delidiofficial.com.

If the Customer accepts delivery of tampered or damaged Products, he/she will forfeit the legal guarantee of conformity of the Products.


The customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by returning the goods received and obtaining a refund of the price paid. Check the conditions for the right of withdrawal in the "Returns, Exchanges and Refunds" section.


All orders are subject to the Customer's acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, which are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute or claim, we ask the Customer to first contact Customer Services to try to find an amicable agreement.

In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve it.